viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

A 2.0 classroom.

Being a teacher in the 21st century

From my point of view, and taking into account the speed of developments and changes happening  in our society, a teacher of the twenty-first century should have the following essential characteristics:
- To be competent in the use of new technologies, both from a methodological and organizational point of view.
- To use these new technologies as a tool for teaching and learning both inside and outside the classroom.
- To update and  do not ignore the continuous training.
- To learn from students and to consider their technical knowledge.
- To know the prior knowledge of students and not assume that everyone has the same level of expertise in ICTs.
I leave you with a video of the TED conference program, I do not know if you know it, its about conferences of all kinds of topics, some educational ones very interesting, are exhibited.

I leave you with her, Dr. Anjuli Ahooja an expert educator among from many other things, considering her  long experience and views of teachers of the 21st century, certainly she has much to teach us. 

Click into the image to see the video! Hope you will enjoy it!!!

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